Snapshot A 28-year-old man presents to the emergency department with penile pain after hearing a "popping" sound during sexual intercourse. On physical exam the penis is tender to palpation, s-shaped, and there is swelling and ecchymosis. Urology is immediately consulted. Introduction Clinical definition traumatic rupture of the corpus cavernosum considered a urologic emergency Epidemiology Incidence rare Etiology Typically secondary to sexual intercourse Pathogenesis damage to the tunica albuginea occurs when the erect penis is subjected to blunt trauma or abrupt bending Presentation History hearing a "popping" or "snapping" sound at the time of injury (often during intercourse) of the erect penis Symptoms pain Physical exam "eggplant deformity" penile deformity with swelling and ecchymosis abnormally curved penis ("s-shaped") tenderness to palpation Imaging Diagnostic cavernosography indication when the diagnosis is equivocal Magentic resonance imaging (MRI) indication when the diagnosis is equivocal Studies Diagnostic criteria this is generally a clinical diagnosis based on history and physical exam Differential Penile amputation Penetrating injury to the penis Penile soft tissue injury e.g., infections and burns Treatment Operative surgical repair indication surgery is considered the treatment option for penile fracture Complications Complications erectile dysfunction penile deformity urethral injury damage to corpus cavernosum Prognosis