Snapshot Introduction One of 7 medications used for asthma aimed to reduce inflammation and obstruction corticosteroids β-agonists muscarinic agonists methylxanthines cromolyn sister drug nedocromil used similarly in asthma antileukotrienes omalizumab Cromolyn Mechanism of action mast cell stabilizer prevents degranulation and subsequent release of inflammatory mediators Clinical uses asthma inhaled or nebulized form prophylaxis is most common use effective in preventing exacerbations if given 10-15 minutes before a known trigger e.g. exercise, cold air, or animals maintenance considered an alternative first-line therapy in mild persistent asthma less effective than inhaled corticosteroids but fewer side effects useful in patients who cannot tolerate steroid side effects such as recurrent respiratory infections, ear infections, or oropharyngeal thrush systemic mastocytosis oral form allergic rhinitis nasal form vernal keratoconjunctivitis ophthalmic form Adverse effects transient cough (20%) pruritus and/or burning sensation of the nose