• Cavernous hemangioma of the liver was diagnosed in 12 of 60 patients (20 percent) evaluated for surgery of neoplastic liver disease. All were female, from 29 to 77 years old. Six patients presented with abdominal pain and seven had taken estrogens. Indications for surgery included uncertain diagnosis, symptoms, large lesion greater than or equal to 6 cm, and hypoproliferative anemia. Three right lobectomies, one left lateral segmentectomy, one open biopsy, and one right trisegmentectomy were performed. There were no deaths, one subphrenic abscess, and one bile leak. The remaining seven patients were observed and at 2 to 6 years post operatively had followed a benign course. Resectional therapy may be considered for superficial large or symptomatic lesions in the appropriate patient, but most hepatic hemangiomas follow a benign course.