• The talus is the key articular segment linking the leg and foot, and as such, is subject to complex loads and may occasionally fracture. Fracture patterns provide clues to the underlying pathomechanics and energy of the injury, both of which can help guide treatment and suggest prognosis. Talus fractures have a wide variety of presentation from low-energy avulsion fractures of the lateral or posterior processes, to high-energy comminuted talar body fractures. Appropriate, expedient treatment provides the patient the best chance of obtaining a good functional outcome. Treatment relies on appropriate diagnosis, which hinges on clinical suspicion provided by the patient's account of pathomechanics, clinical examination, and radiological workup. This current concepts review discusses the pathomechanics, presentation, workup, treatment, and prognosis of fractures of the talar head, neck, body, lateral process, posterior process, and talar extrusions. Key words: talus, fracture, talar neck, talar head, talar body, lateral process, posterior process, talar extrusion, orthopaedic surgery, review.