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Review Question - QID 109069

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QID 109069 (Type "109069" in App Search)
A 43-year-old female presents to her endocrinologist for a new patient appointment. She initially presented three months ago as a referral for a new diagnosis of type II diabetes mellitus. At that time, her HbA1c was found to be 8.8%, and she was started on metformin. Her metformin was quickly uptitrated to the maximum recommended dose. At the same visit, her body mass index (BMI) was 31 kg/m^2, and the patient was counseled on the importance of diet and exercise for achieving better glycemic control. Today, the patient reports complete adherence to metformin as well as her other home medications of atorvastatin and lisinopril. She also started a daily walking routine and has lost two pounds. Her HbA1c today is 7.6%, and her BMI is stable from her last visit. The patient is discouraged by her slow weight loss, and she would like to lose an additional 5-10 pounds.
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