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Review Question - QID 108420

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QID 108420 (Type "108420" in App Search)
A 50-year-old man presents to his primary care physician for management of a lung nodule. The nodule was discovered incidentally when a chest radiograph was performed to rule out pneumonia. The nodule is 8.5 mm in size and was confirmed by CT. The patient is otherwise healthy, has never smoked, and exercises regularly. The patient works in a dairy factory. He has had no symptoms during this time. His temperature is 97.6°F (36.4°C), blood pressure is 122/81 mmHg, pulse is 83/min, respirations are 12/min, and oxygen saturation is 98% on room air. Physical exam including auscultation of the lungs is unremarkable. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?

Biopsy and lymph node dissection



CT scan in 6 months



No further workup indicated



PET scan



Surgical excision



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This patient is presenting with a large pulmonary nodule (> 8 mm) discovered incidentally on imaging in a low-risk patient. He should be further worked up with a PET scan given the size of the lesion.

The management of a pulmonary nodule depends on the lesion size, patient symptoms, and risk factors. In a low/intermediate-risk patient with a nodule > 8 mm, the best next step in management is to further characterize the lesion with a PET scan (though a biopsy can also be performed). If the PET scan shows a lesion concerning for malignancy, then surgical excision is indicated. If the lesion is not concerning for malignancy, it can be followed with serial CT scans.

Incorrect Answers:
Answer 1: Biopsy and lymph node dissection are incorrect as dissection of the lymph nodes would not be indicated at this time. It is true that a biopsy could be performed next in this low-risk patient with a large pulmonary nodule.

Answer 2: CT scan in 6 months would be indicated if the PET scan was performed and was negative for a suspicious malignant lesion. At this point, serial CT scans could be performed.

Answer 3: No further workup indicated would be indicated in a low-risk patient with a lesion 4 mm or smaller that was discovered incidentally.

Answer 5: Surgical excision would be indicated if the lesion was suspicious on PET scan or if biopsy confirmed a malignancy.

Bullet Summary:
A low/intermediate-risk patient with a pulmonary nodule 8 mm or greater should have a PET scan or biopsy performed.

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