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Review Question - QID 106929

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QID 106929 (Type "106929" in App Search)
A 23-year-old woman is brought in by her friend for, "not being herself." Ever since her boyfriend died 2 years ago in a terrible meat grinding accident, her friend feels she hasn't been the same. When the accident first occurred she would often see her boyfriend whenever she would eat meat products but she denies that this is occurring currently. The patient reports having difficulty sleeping, and as a result she has had trouble concentrating at work and mustering up energy to play with her nephews, which she loves to do. She denies feelings of guilt currently and has been trying to take care of herself by going to the gym. She no longer goes out with her friends, something she previously enjoyed doing. She also no longer plays hockey despite being a previous athlete and fan of the sport. The patient states that she thinks she is fine and that she does not need any more help. From her previous visit she has lost 7 pounds which she attributes to, "not feeling like eating." On exam, you do not note any psychomotor agitation. When you ask her about suicide she states that she has had a few transient thoughts but does not have a plan or intent to commit suicide. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Major depressive disorder






Bipolar I disorder



Grief response



Schizoaffective disorder



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This patient's presentation is consistent with major depressive disorder.

The diagnosis can be made with 5 of the SIGECAPS criteria:

1. Sleep
2. Interest
3. Guilt
4. Energy
5. Concentration
6. Appetite
7. Psychomotor
8. Suicidal

This patient has 5 of the criteria (sleep, interest, energy, concentration, appetitie +/- suicide). Given that these criteria are met and there is no acute stressor that could explain this patient's symptoms the diagnosis is major depression. The treatment of choice for this patient is SSRI's and CBT.

Incorrect Answers:
Answer 2: The diagnosis of dysthymia requires a low-grade depression for more than two years, without a major depression episode. Patients who present with a major depressive episode, and then present with low-grade depression within two years, should be diagnosed with major depressive disorder. A diagnosis of dysthymia also requires that a physician rule out medical causes of depression, including hypothyroidism, and Cushing's syndrome. The treatments of both major depression and dysthymia include psychotherapy and antidepressants.
Answer 3: Bipolar I disorder is characterized by at least 1 full-blown manic episode mixed in with depression, typically at baseline. It is important to rule out mania before beginning SSRI's as this could push the patient into a manic episode.
Answer 4: Grief response is important to keep in mind and certainly could be the diagnosis in this case. The patient's boyfriend did die in a meat-grinding accident, however this occurred 2 years ago. The patient may have had a visual hallucination in the past during her grief response, however this is not going on currently. Typically a grief response does not last longer than a year (it can but this is less likely) and a return to function is typically seen a few months after the initial episode.
Answer 5: Schizoaffective disorder is characterized by schizophrenia with at least one episode of co-occurring major depression. Think of it as schizophrenia with a depressive affect per the name.

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