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Review Question - QID 106886

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QID 106886 (Type "106886" in App Search)
A 32-year-old woman comes in to see her physician because she has had undiagnosed abdominal pain for the past 3 and a half years. Her pain is not related to meals and does not correspond to a particular time of day, although she does report nausea and bloating. In the past two years she has had two endoscopies, a colonoscopy, and an exploratory laproscopy - without any results. She is very concerned because her mother has a history of colon cancer. The patient has been unable to work or maintain a social life because she's constantly worrying about her pain, nausea, and bloating. What is this patient's most likely diagnosis?

Somatic symptom disorder



Functional neurologic symptom disorder






Factitious disorder



Body dysmorphic disorder



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The patient is most likely suffering from somatic symptom disorder - a condition where a patient experiences physical symptoms suggestive of injury or illness that cannot be explained by a medical condition, an alternative mental disorder, or the use of substances.

According to the DSM-5, somatic symptom disorder can be diagnosed when somatic symptoms are very distressing to a patient or disrupt normal function, and when disproportionate thoughts, feelings, or behaviors are presented due to these symptoms. In order to make the diagnosis, symptoms must persist for at least 6 months.

Oyama et al. write that somatoform disorders should be considered when patients present with unexplained physical symptoms. Discussing the possibility of Somatic Symptom Disorder with a patient early on in the evaluative process may prevent unnecessary tests and treatments. A patient may be referred to a mental health professional when necessary.

Somashaker et al. suggest that, although all classes of psychotropics and antidepressants are used to treat Somatic Symptom Disorder, cognitive behavioral therapy is a beneficial option, and the combination of behavior therapy and medication should be considered.

Incorrect Answers:
Answer 2: Functional neurologic symptom disorder is a presentation of symptoms with seemingly neurologic causes, but without a physiological explanation. The symptoms this patient presents with are not neurologic in nature.
Answer 3: Hypochondriasis, or illness anxiety disorder, is persistent fear and anxiety over having or getting diseases without any or minimal symptoms.
Answer 4: Factitious disorder is a condition in which a person makes herself or himself ill or exaggerates symptoms in order to gain attention or sympathy – this patient did not intentionally make herself sick.
Answer 5: Body dysmorphic disorder is when an individual’s concern over body image manifests as an excessive concern with a perceived physical defect.

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