• Current knowledge of the causes and risk factors of Legg-Calvé-Perthesdisease (LCPD) does not allow effective preventive strategies. The outcome in adulthood is usually good. Hip osteoarthritis rarely develops before 50 years of age. The risk of osteoarthrosis depends chiefly on the final degree of joint incongruence. Age at onset and the lateral pillar classification are the two main outcome predictors and serve to guide the surgical indications based on the studies by Herring's group. Non-operative treatment is not effective. In contrast, femoral varus osteotomy and Salter's innominate osteotomy provide good outcomes. In severe forms, however, combining these two techniques or performing a triple pelvic osteotomy seem preferable. Surgery is now performed considerably less often than in the past, as it is effective only in patients with lateral pillar group B or B/C disease with onset after eight years of age. In other situations, therapeutic abstention is recommended.