• The incidence of condylomata acuminata infection has shown a steady increase for adults and children in recent years. With the discovery that the viral agents of this disease are potentially neoplastic, a disorder that was once considered a nuisance is now taking on new-found importance and concern. Furthermore, the knowledge that these lesions are often sexually transmitted and the ever-increasing concern over child abuse have combined to make the recognition and treatment of this disease in the pediatric population of even greater significance. Depending on location, podophyllum resin (podophyllin) is the initial therapy of choice. Available studies indicate a cure rate ranging from 22% to 98% depending on location of the warts, frequency of treatment, patient compliance, and freshness of the podophyllum resin preparation. Cure rates of 91% to 97% have been reported with cryotherapy and laser photocoagulation. Eradication of the viral agent and long-term follow-up are important.