• Lyme disease, like syphilis, a spirochetal infection, can appear with exacerbations and remissions in different stages. The clinical picture is marked by dermatological, neurological, rheumatic and cardiological complications. PNS complications appear in the second and third stage. Tick bite meningoradiculoneuritis neuritis (Garin-Bujadoux-Bannwarth-Syndrome), characterized by painful asymmetrical sensory and motor dysfunctions and inflamed CSF, is a typical manifestation of the second stage. Mononeuritis multiplex appearing in conjunction with acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans is a typical PNS manifestation of the third stage. CNS involvement may also occur in early and late stages of Lyme-Borreliosis, presenting as myelitis or progressive encephalomyelitis. Lyme-Borreliosis is a treatable condition, which should not be missed in the differential diagnosis of PNS and CNS disorders.