• Three hundred and sixty nine Nigerian neonates and 484 Nigerian children aged 1 month to 14 years were examined for the presence of Mongolian spots. The spots were observed in 381 children (189 boys and 192 girls) with an overall incidence of 44.7% regardless of sex or age. The colour of the Mongolian spots varied from pale blue to grayish blue. The most frequently involved sites were the gluteal, sacrococcygeal and lumbar areas respectively. In our study, Mongolian spots were present in 74.8% of neonates and in 13.6% of pre-school children. There was a rapid disappearance in the incidence of Mongolian spots with advancing age. No case of Mongolian spot was recorded in children aged 6 years and above. Primipara whose children have Mongolian spots should be reassured that the spots are harmless and would usually disappear in early childhood. Physicians should however be alert to marks resulting from child abuse as these could mimic the spots.