Cyclothymia is a primary mood disorder that is connotated with great ambiguity and controversy. The primacy of the disorder is inherently nebulous as it shares diagnostic features with a multiplicity of disorders. Cyclothymia is characterized by episodes consisting of hypomanic and depressive symptoms that do not meet the full criteria for bipolar or major depressive disorder. Furthermore, its manifestations onset early in life, demonstrable via temperamental mood reactivity and dysregulation. The complexity of the disorder makes it difficult to identify in clinical practice. In DSM-5, it is subsumed under the category of bipolar mood disorders. Cyclothymia is somewhat analogous to personality disorders as its onset is early and its course is chronic and pervasive. In fact, cyclothymia is often misconstrued with cluster-B personality disorders. Because of overlapping diagnostic criteria, it can be easily misdiagnosed. As with other psychiatric disorders, it leads to dysfunction and distress. While many psychiatric disorders may precipitate in the setting of cyclothymic disorder, the reciprocal is not valid. For example, although often comorbid with substance use disorders, by definition, cyclothymia is not induced by substance use. Although equivocal in nature, a detailed and careful evaluation can enable clinicians to uncover this sometimes subtle disorder. In the event, clinicians find themselves pulled in varying directions regarding the correct diagnosis of an emotionally dysregulated patient, consideration of cyclothymia should be paramount. In addition to emotional dysregulation, identification of oscillating levels of psychomotor activity, hypersensitivity, hyper-reactivity, and interpersonal dysfunction should hint towards a diagnosis of cyclothymia. This article will shed light on this misunderstood and often misdiagnosed disorder.